
UN AGENDA 2030 – Social-Emotional Learning and Digital Designs for Global Citizenship Education (KOALA-Reihe)

Im Rahmen der Reihe UN AGENDA 2030 – Social-Emotional Learning and Digital Designs for Global Citizenship Education  finden am 15. Dezember zwei Veranstaltungen mit internationalen Beitragenden statt.

13.00-14.30 Uhr: Nandini Chatterjee Singh, “Using neuroscience to design digital global citizenship courses – the need for social and emotional learning”

Dr. Nandini Chatterjee Singh from the UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP) will share her research and experience in designing Global Citizenship Courses. The talk will focus on the designing of a course for adolescent children in schools using a digital learning platform, entitled Framerspace. The Global Citizenship course embeds social and emotional learning and has been implemented in 10 countries.

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14.45-16.30 Uhr: Mette Lynnerup Hollensen, “Makerspaces – a close-to-practice talk about why the humanities need them”

Mette Lynnerup Hollensen (Danish Teachers Resource Centre VIA CFU) will offer hands-on examples showcasing the potential of enhancing creativity and global learning in makerspaces.

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